Sunday 22 April 2018

Our guide to packing a suit. No fuss. No Muss.


So how do you pack a suit?

Well, most claim it’s easy and say anyone can teach you how to pack a suit. Truth is, packing a suit is a skillful art that requires practice and separates the men from the boys. Packing a suit is exceptionally difficult when your weekender bag already has all the manly necessities packed in it. So we did some research with some garment professionals on the most effective way to pack your suit into your carry-on without having embarrassing wrinkles and looking like you just picked it up from the dry cleaner.

Step 1.

Place your suit face down carefully onto a flat surface to prevent wrinkles.
How to pack a suit | Step 1

Step 2.

Fold the left shoulder of your suit over to the right shoulder.
How to pack a suit | Step 2

Step 3.

Grab the right shoulder and flip inside out, then place left shoulder under the right side of the suit jacket
How to pack a suit | Step 3

Step 4.

Fold jacket in half lengthwise on the spine and then carefully fold from bottom of jacket to the suit collar.
How to pack a suit | Step 4

Step 5.

Place your crisply folded suit jacket in the middle of your freshly pressed pants.
How to pack a suit | Step 5

Step 6.

Fold the pant legs neatly over the jacket, followed by the belt side.
How to pack a suit | Step 6

One quick note before you head out onto the Tarmac.

Just like anything else. There is more than one way to pack your suit into a suitcase. Follow the steps above to have your suit looking as crisp as when you bought it. However it does help to have a bag that is designed to protect your gentleman armor. We have a few choice picks here.
Enjoy your flight!

Don’t want to worry about how to fold your suit?

We have a solution! Get the Hook & Albert garment weekender bag instead!
Hook & Albert Weekender Garment Bag

Sunday 7 October 2012

What is Swagger?

Welcome to the revamped version of We’ve put together a team of brilliant men and women, writers, artists and opinion makers, all with a mind to do the “men’s magazine” differently. We have a goal, a through-line through every article, every product review, every interview
we publish, it’s an ideal, and the ideal is swag.
Swagger Magazine is the dividing line between prolonged adolescence and man. Swagger is the difference between laughing at a Star Wars joke and being able to argue the finer merits of Wookie theology. We’re aiming our content to men who are driven, smart, and hungry for the best life possible. We’re catering to men who are successful and the men well on their way there. If you already have swagger, you’ll know what we’re talking about, and if you’re trying to get there, we’ll show you the way.
Swagger is simple. It’s not always easy, but it’s simple.
Swagger is the confidence that comes to a man naturally when he knows his shit. Swagger is having done your homework beforehand and how to play it cool when you find yourself out of your element. Swagger is knowing when to hold ‘em, fold ‘em, and how to keep a stone-cold poker face when the aces come your way. Swagger is being self-aware without ever having to use terms like self-aware.
Swagger is knowing the finer things in life when you see them and taking advantage of them, without ever letting them take advantage of you. It’s attention to detail, it’s refinement and it’s class. You cannot fake swag and no one can mistake it for anything else. Swagger is using your buying power, however limited, to get the very best of what’s out there. It’s about making smart purchases that keep you ahead of the curve without feeling like you’re chasing trends or throwing away the money you’ve earned.
Swagger is knowing the finer things in life when you see them and taking advantage of them, without ever letting them take advantage of you.
Swagger is sex, but not the bragging or posturing kind we’ve all been force-fed since adolescence about pissing contests and bedpost notching. We’re not ever going to be your go-to site for in-depth coverage of the latest celebrity beaver shot and we’re certainly not going to follow the ins and outs of fucking in a bathroom stall.
Swagger is holding yourself to a higher standard, so you can attract women who do the same. Don’t get us wrong, we love the ladies and we’re interested in helping you bed them, but we’re going to do it a lot differently than you’ve seen before. The women of Swagger will be gals of substance, equally matched with good looks and better bodies because gentleman, apart from your mother, those are the only women worth breaking a real sweat for. Those are the woman attracted to Swagger.
So buckle up, we’ve got a whole lot planned in a very short time and you’re in for something very good. We’re bringing our absolute A-game swagger to every facet of this publication and we’re going to expect our readers to keep up. Hold your heads high, men. This young 21st century belongs to us.

written by Jeremy B

Swagger Magazine

5 Mistakes Men Make in Bed

Now, the basic mechanics of the old so eloquently named “In-Out” you should have
figured out about five minutes into your first episode of Baywatch. As anyone who’s
rounded third base will tell you, the female body is amongst the strangest, most
wonderful, and perilous mountain you’re likely to climb, and like snowflakes, dental
records and Rob Schneider movies, no two are exactly the same. You can think,
screw and study until you’re blue in the face, but you’ll never know all there is to
know, and we won’t either. What you can do is learn from our collected mistakes
over the years, and avoid some of the most common blunders. Beyond that, just do
what all the greats have done before you, fake it ‘till you make it.
Here’s a news flash to all the men reading this that don’t know already. Dry sex is
painful sex for the fairer sex. Sometimes they can get wet enough just from the look
you’re giving them across the salad bar, sometimes they’re going to want a good
tongue lashing before the main event, and sometimes you’re just going to have to
bite the bullet and grab some KY from the medicine cabinet. It’s not a reflection
upon your manliness, it’s not that her head’s not in the game, but it’s never a bad
thing to have on hand.
It’s a poorly kept secret that there are certain types of liquor in certain quantities
that tend to increase your lady’s proclivity for playing doctor, but even though her
engine might be revving a little higher, it’s umpteen times less likely that she can
reach orgasm after having imbibed more than a drink or two. It’s one of the bitter
facts of life that means a belly full of liquor is a shortcut to mediocrity. So if you can
keep it in moderation and still seal the deal, you’re likely to have a more memorable
evening. (as a postscript for our 420 friends, it seems your poison of choice does
tend to help both parties get a little closer, so if that’s your thing, go nuts).
The Same Old Same Old
Ask any married guy, and they’ll tell you they have a system of pulls, tweaks, licks
and sticks and they genuinely stick to the script (unless it’s their birthday or they
just got a raise or something). Your buddy and his wife have figured out there own
little system, they’re embarrassingly comfortable with each other, and they both
know what to do with each other. If you’re just getting acquainted with the new
body beside you, you’re both bringing your own set of past experiences and tricks
into the mix, and the sad fact is what works for one woman isn’t what works for
another (see: snowflakes). That’s why you have to pay attention to the cues she’s
giving you, and take some mental notes. Be savvy, don’t just put your head down,
and with any luck the two of you will meet somewhere in the middle.
Full Steam Ahead
Picture it: You’re scratching your dog’s belly while you watch the Dukes of Hazzard,
you scratch a spot on his ribcage and his leg starts twitching a little bit, so you
scratch a little harder and a little faster until his leg starts going completely apeshit.
Easy right? Wrong. Dogs are simple, woman are not simple. Because your lady
friend is squealing on account of your hitting the right spot, is not a green light to go
hog wild and start drilling like you were BP at the end of the world. The trick is, do
exactly what you were doing before, same bat-place, same bat-speed, that is, until
she directs you with further instructions (or reaches for her Sodoku).
Be a Man
Everybody likes to be taken care of once in a while. Show me a guy who doesn’t
like getting head while he’s writing an advice column and drinking his coffee and
I’ll show you a lunatic, but the fact of the matter is, you’re a man who needs to go
and build the house of love. The women of our generation have taken a wrecking
ball to the status quo, they’re money-making, painful shoe-wearing, no shit-taking
dynamos, but (lucky for us) there’s still a realm of human lives wherein we fellas,
with our strong arms and musky whathaveyous, are still indispensible. So when the
pair of you are undressed, behave like a man and take control. Not a caveman mind
you, but a man. If this is confusing, just imagine what Steve McQueen would be doing
in your shoes, and proceed.

Swagger Magazine